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We are using for our calendar updates.  Please be sure you have access!

Here is the general 2023 – 2024 Pack 1860 Calendar. Den Leader(s) will circulate Den calendars.


The national BSA program sets the fee per scout for a 12-month period ($80 for 2024). New Scouts must be registered online and will pay the national fee there. There is also a one-time New Member (Scout) Joining Fee of $25, and the bimonthly Scouts’ Life Magazine is $15/year.  To register a Scout for the first time, go to This will activate an account in Scoutbook and give the Pack liability insurance for your family’s participation.


In the Fall, Pack 1860 collects funds directly from all families.

TOTAL PER RETURNINGSCOUT = $225  (Subtract $15 if magazine not needed)

  • National BSA program fees ($80)
  • Scout Life magazine ($15, optional)
  • Council participation fee (another $80)
  • Pack adult leadership fees, awards, and supplies ($50). Each Scout contributes to the cost of registering the adult volunteers that serve as Pack and Den Leaders. Pack supplies include Pinewood Derby car, Raingutter Regatta boat, neckerchiefs, badges and awards, snacks and craft supplies. The Holiday decor fundraiser with a sales goal for each family keeps Pack fees lower.

NEW Scouts pay national and magazine fees online, so we only need to collect $130.

If participating in Scouts presents a financial hardship, please contact either the Pack Treasurer or the Cubmaster personally to discuss options.  Dues can be reduced or spread out by payment plan.

Ways to pay dues:

1 – Pay Dues by Check, by writing a check made out to “Pack 1860” and delivering to Robert D. Barr, 6120 Sandstone Ct Clifton, VA 20124

2 – Pay Dues with PayPal Account, by sending funds to “” Note: please send using the “Friends and Family Option”


We fundraise to keep dues low. Participation is expected in order that we have a balanced budget. We need to order the décor well in advance of the holidays and kick off our fundraising at the first Pack Meeting.

2023 Annual Pack 1860 Holiday Gift Fundraiser
Coordinator – Christopher Boan,

Purpose: Pack 1860 sells holiday greens (wreaths and other décor) provided by Mickman Brothers. Our fundraiser serves the following purposes: 1) Offset annual dues, 2) Provide a visible pack presence in our community, and 3) A confidence building activity for scouts

Sales by scouts and families: September & October. Please prepare to turn in orders at the October Pack Meeting.
FINAL cutoff for collection of payments: November 1st

Order arrival from Mickman Bros: Week after Thanksgiving.

Delivery: Bulk delivery to coordinator is expected the week after Thanksgiving. Den leaders will pick up and distribute orders to relevant Scouts.  Scouts deliver to the customers.

Sales Goal:  Per scout, 7 items.

Sales Tools: Door to door sales with the  preferred. Print out the one-page 2023 SalesBrochure.

Payments must be collected/recorded on the spot. Scouts record the orders on the Order Summary  If no one answers the door, we have door hangers can be used which direct customers to a Pack 1860 sales site with a PayPal option (local customers only).  Be sure to fill in the scout’s name on the door hangers.

Customers may also arrange for orders to be shipped out-of-town (, using a code PK1860VA001 will give the Pack credit).

“No Fuss” Option: Sales goals are set on the need for all scouts to provide the Pack with $85 in annual dues to cover awards and materials costs (badges, loops, PWD car, supplies, etc.)  In lieu of sales, families may opt to pay the Pack $85/scout or split the difference between sales and cash (each sale equates to $12).

Recognition:  Top Performers in sales will receive medals and gift cards. All scouts who sell at least one item will receive a participation patch. The top Den with respect to profit will receive a pizza party (includes “no fuss” participation).


Our Pack is sponsored by the Clifton Lions Club, part of Lions Club International.  One of the Lion’s longest-running service projects is the collection of used eyeglasses.  Please print the Scouting for Vision Flyer and use it to collect from family, friends and neighbors!


Every scouting unit relies on adult volunteers to function, and leaders are needed and the den and pack level. Each adult is encouraged to support the Pack in whatever way best fits their skills and experiences.


      • Share your family’s talents and unique contributions.
      • Consider being a Leader! There’s lots of guidance, training and support.
      • Consider being a Registered Volunteer. Many Den and Pack activities require this.
      • The Committee holds a Pack Planning Meeting once a month, usually the first Wednesday of the month. ALL adults are welcome to attend the Planning Meeting.
      • At a minimum, each family is expected to take a substantial role in the planning and operation of at least one event per year


Ensuring that all kids are safe from any form of abuse is of highest concern in scouting. Youth Protection Training (YPT) is required for all leaders and registered volunteers.

Our Pack encourages ALL of our parents to create an account on and take the Youth Protection Training (YPT). You do not have to be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America to take Youth Protection training. This will give you some great insight into what all BSA leaders are required to follow to protect your children.

Den Leaders and Cubmasters are required to take YPT every other year and parents will assist their scouts in staying safe through age-appropriate lessons during each Den year.


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