Scouting offers many opportunities for adults to learn and grow. Anyone stepping up to a leadership position in a Den or Pack will literally have a massive support system. There are opportunities for on-line and live training, specific to each role, and no-end of existing resources on–line. Additionally, there is training to learn and model classic outdoor scouting skills, such as camping. Start with https://www.scouting.org/training/adult/
To be a leader, or even an official volunteer, you must register. Go to BeAScout.org and register as an Adult. Your application will be routed through the system for approvals by the Chartering Organization and Pack leadership. The Pack will cover the fee for adult registration, so be sure to ask for reimbursment.
Cub Scouts need the leadership and guidance of parents and adults to follow and enjoy the Cub Scout Curriculum. Two adults are needed as leaders for each Den; one leader must be female in the case of girls’ Dens. In the case of Lions (Kindergartners), a parent for each scout co-leads the Den, with the assistance of an experienced adult.
2024-2025 Den Leaders
- Tigers
- Lisa Miller
- Wolfs
- James Geibel, Ryoko Messeder
- Bears
- Chris Boan, Veronica Monfrini
- Webelos
- Kirsten Cox, Zuly DeSouza
- Arrows of the Light
- Owen Lawson, Bridget Bearden
- Arrows of Light
- Rob Reading
Volunteer as a Leader! Contact the relevant Den leader above or write Cubmaster@pack1860.org
Lots of planning and organization goes on behind the scenes to allow for a robust calendar of Pack events.
The key positions in place for Pack 1860 for 2020-2021 are:
- Cubmaster: Jennifer Wheeler
- Chartering Organization Representatives: Bill Poole, Clifton Lions Club
- Committee Chair: VACANCY
- Assistant Cubmaster: Joe Bishop
- Membership Chair – Keeps track of all Pack membership records and reporting to BSA: VACANCY
- Advancement/Awards Chair – Coordinates the acquisition and dissemination of awards: Ryoko Messeder
- Treasurer – Tracks and manages Pack Finances: Claudia Aguilera
- Pack Trainer – Advises on Cub Scout curriculum and badge activities: James Geibel
- Recruitment Chair – recruits adult leaders and new scouts: VACANCY
- Web Master/ Communications Chair – manages Pack website and other media: VACANCY
- Sully District Unit Commissioner – provides advice and help at District level: Bob Forgione
The Committee holds a Planning Meeting once a month, usually the first Wednesday of the month. ALL adults are welcome to attend the Planning Meeting.
YPT is required for all leaders and registered volunteers. Create an account on My.Scouting.org and take the Youth Protection Training (YPT).